Wednesday, October 21, 2009

7 Months

Nico turned 7 months last week. Once again, I can't believe my little baby is growing up SO fast. Nico is now a crawling machine. He is extremely busy (I don't know where he gets that from:-). I'm just now putting away his 3-6 month clothing and he is pretty much only wearing 6 months. He has 3 teeth on the bottom and there are signs that his top front teeth are quickly approaching. Nico still loves to be outside and loves for me to read to him. He can now entertain himself better because he can get to where he wants to go...less frustration. Our once wonderful sleeper has had a tough couple of weeks. He has been getting up at least once if not twice in the middle of the night..........we can't complain too much since he still sleeps 12 hours in total at night. We think the abnormal sleep patterns are due to teething and growth spurts. He still only takes 2-3 30 min cat naps during the day. His outdoor swimming lessons are finished and he has now begun baby sign language class. He pulls himself up on everything, is extremely aware of his surroundings and knows exactly what he wants. Who would have thought a 7 month old would A, know what they want and B, could throw a fit when they don't get what they want. Nico definitely has found his voice and says Dada and Hi.........although I don't think he realizes what he is saying. He is still extremely happy and quite the ham for photos. Nico's favorite part of the day is bath time! He is eating three meals a day........his favorite food is yogurt!

Here are a few pics from last week's 7 month photo session. It's getting really hard to take these photo's with the blocks.

Here I go MOM

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1 comment:

Coldani Family said...

He is so darling. Hope we get to see you guys this weekend!